Author: Ryan Dolan

Cutting Concrete with a Global Diamond Cutting Blade.

The right diamond cutting blade for the right job makes all the difference. You get a longer life to your blade and quicker, cleaner cuts.  Global Diamond sells a comprehensive range of diamond cutting blades for a nearly all applications. Concrete products are normally easy to cut and a Global Diamond Multi-Purpose diamond blade will …Read more»

Brick Cutting with a Global Diamond Cutting Blade.

Always try to choose the right blade for the job. Global Diamond Tools sell a comprehensive range of diamond cutting blades for a wide range of applications. As you would expect, bricks vary enormously is shape, size and hardness, so you need to choose the correct blade for the type of brick you are going …Read more»

Choose the right blade for the job.

We sell a comprehensive range of diamond cutting blades for a wide range of applications. It is always worth considering which is the best blade to purchase for the particular job you are going to do. If you choose the most suitable diamond cutting blade for the right application you will get more life out …Read more»

Let’s clear the air!

You should protect your lungs when using cut-off saws and diamond blade cutting tools. If you regularly use a cut-off saw (also known as a disc cutter, a con saw or a ‘whizzer’) then you should consider the Health and Safety aspects of cutting materials such as kerbs, paving, blocks or concrete. Cutting any of these materials …Read more»